Testers Wanted -- Saved Game Sync Coming to Curse Client!

Greetings, SkyrimForge! We at Curse have an exciting announcement to make, and can't wait to get some testers for a brand new, upcoming feature in our Curse Client!

IntroducingSaved Game Sync! The Curse Client's new Saved Game Sync allows you to upload saves from any game and access them anywhere you are logged into the Curse client! Below are the features this has to offer:
  • Saves uploading to a central cloud on the Curse servers, accessible at any time
  • Up to five revisions of each file, so you'll never have a corrupted save
  • Regular users will receive 2 file slots with 2 revisions, Premium users receive 100 file slots with 5 revisions!
  • Easy to use interface and simple one-click restoration and syncing
  • Ability to rename saves (with no rename limit!) for simple file recognition

It would help us immensely if you could take a few moments to test this out! Below are the simple instructions on how to get started:
Keep in mind you'll also need to have Skyrim installed to use this feature!

How to Use Saved Game Sync

To use Saved Game Sync, simply launch the Curse Client and follow these three easy steps:
1. Click the Saved Games button in the toolbar:
2. Check the 'Enabled Saved Game Sync' checkbox:
</center> 3. Check each saved game you want to include the sync, or click the 'Sync All' button. For reference, see the opening image of this post.

That's all! We greatly appreciate your participation and feedback with this exciting new feature! We're excited about this new feature, and we'd love to hear your feedback.


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